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Canadian Merchants Code of Conduct and Privacy Information

How to handle Code of Conduct issues

If you have a complaint pertaining to the Code of Conduct for the Credit and Debit Card Industry , you may file a complaint via:

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Please call:


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Complete and submit Code of Conduct Inquiry Form to:

Mail icon


Send form to:

Discover Global Network,

6D-7398 Yonge St PMB 902

Thornhill, ON L4J 8J2

Code of Conduct Inquiry (Code de Conduite formulaire de demande)

Please visit the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada’s website for more information on merchant rights under the Code of Conduct for the Credit and Debit Card Industry in Canada.

Process after a complaint is filed

Following receipt of your complaint we will:

  • Acknowledge receipt of your complaint within five (5) business days.
  • Provide our final decision in writing within ninety (90) days for Acquirers and forty-five (45) days for Payment card network operators of receiving the merchant complaint, along with:
  • A summary of the complaint
  • The final result of the investigation
  • Explanation of the final decision
  • Information on how to further escalate your complaint in the event of an unsatisfactory outcome

If we cannot provide a response to you within (90 days for Acquirers) and (45 days for PCNOs) you will be informed of the delay, reason for the delay, and the expected response time.

To assist us in reviewing your complaint, please provide the following, where applicable:

  • A summary of your concerns
  • Details, such as the name of the person you were dealing with, the date the concern occurred, date spoken to PCNO, acquirer or representative
  • Copies of any supporting documentation (i.e. agreements, statements, correspondence from acquirer or PCNO)

Nothing restricts you from directly filing a complaint with the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) to investigate non-compliance with the Code. FCAC can be reached via:

FCAC is not a dispute-resolution agency for consumers in their individual dealings with payment card network operators or acquirers.

Please note that the information being submitted may be shared with your PCNO, acquirer, processor or financial institution in order to assist us in answering your concerns.

Download Canadian Privacy Statement (Téléchargez la politique de confidentialité canadienne)